Did you know that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about water use in our country? It’s nuts, and I was shocked too when my co-founder, Nick, first shared this with me several years ago. At Mammoth, we’re now on a mission to change that in a way that supports businesses. Read more about our efforts, which were detailed in our winning proposal to the Imagine H2O California Water Policy Challenge and presented last week at the Milken Institute California Summit, in our newest blog: The Secret Life of Groundwater.
If you’d like to participate in the pilot project, support it, or otherwise provide feedback, drop me a line.

Richael Young, second from right, with partners Kian Alibakhshian of Smart Water Metering, Nick Brozovic of Mammoth Trading and the Water for Food Global Institute, and Ann Hayden of the Environmental Defense Fund, and moderator Andrew Fahlund of the Water Foundation at the 2017 Imagine H2O Water Policy + Innovation Summit
Photos courtesy of NASA/Jet Propulsion Lab and Imagine H2O.