Your job is tough as a water manager. You wear a lot of hats, from educating your community and water users to reporting outcomes to State agencies. You and your staff are regularly out in the field, collecting data and responding to requests. You inform and assist your board as they make tough decisions about new programs and regulations. You distill what the data and science are telling you. We can help you with that. Our customizable water management software helps water districts collect and manage data, monitor allocations and compliance, and track program performance.
TAPP H2O Enterprise takes your data management to the next level. From data collection to management to analytics, TAPP H2O Enterprise has your data workflow covered.
- Visualize regulatory compliance. Identify hot spots of overuse. Rapidly detect and correct potential noncompliance. Monitor program performance (e.g. recharge, technology cost share, or allocation buybacks).
- Manage complex allocations seamlessly. Track credits and debits of single- and/or multi-year allocations, carryover, borrowing, penalties, pooling, transfers, and more.
- Collect data securely and digitally on a mobile app that syncs with the web-based dashboard back in the office.
- Store your data safely on the cloud. No more clunky spreadsheets!

Psst… TAPP H2O Enterprise can be combined with TAPP H2O for Growers, giving your landowners more access to their data. This combo unlocks:
- Mobile and web-based self-reporting by landowners, where required.
- Better data engagement, leading to improved awareness and water conservation.
- Improved trust in the water governance process.